WSFEE wants to hear your BIG IDEA!
Do you have an idea that would enhance the education of District 101 students in the area of fine arts, science, literacy and language arts, social studies, mathematics, technology, social development, or physical education? WSFEE wants to hear about it!
Every year WSFEE funds grants born out of the BIG IDEAS of District 101 teachers, parents, and students just like you. Let WSFEE help bring your BIG IDEA to life!
GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS: Bringing your BIG IDEA to life is as easy as 1-2-3
Start with your BIG IDEA[/one_third][one_third]2.
Email or call your principal to see if your idea is a good fit[/one_third][one_third_last]3.
Complete the WSFEE Grant Application and email along with any supporting documentation to[/one_third_last]
Need help or more information?
Do you have an idea but no time to see it through or a general question?
Email us at and a WSFEE Grant Committee Member will contact you.
Are you wondering what types of grants WSFEE has recently funded?